Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy Director
Mrs. Jennifer D. Lanz, Ed. S.

Director’s Welcome Letter
A Premier Alternative
The Virginia Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy is a premier alternative education program. We are recognized by the Virginia Department of Education and sponsored by the National Guard. Our mission is to intervene in and reclaim the lives of 16-18 year old students that have dropped out of public school or wish to transfer. Our goal is to produce academy graduates with the values, skills, education and self-discipline necessary to succeed as productive citizens. The program is designed to foster academic success and achievement (GED or credit recovery is available), service to community, life coping skills, leadership development, job skills, and physical fitness.
Fostering Success and Achievement
Do you know a teenager who is ready to change his or her life, but is finding it hard to do? Maybe they’re a young person who is falling behind in high school, who is in danger of dropping out, or who has already struggled with attendance or academic progress?
Commonwealth ChalleNGe is here to offer a FREE, second chance to provide an alternate way to learn skills and earn an education. There is NO CHARGE for tuition to attend Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy; we are state and federally funded.
Don’t Wait
Our classes start in January and July. If your teen will be between the ages of 16 – 18 on our next class start date, APPLY NOW! Space is limited and there is often a wait list. Don’t wait; GET STARTED NOW!
A Free Program
This FREE, highly structured alternative education is available to Virginia youth who are eligible. Candidates must be between the ages of 16-18 years old, a U.S. Citizen or legal resident, volunteer to participate in the program, and not have any pending felony charges or convictions.
Solid Academics
Cadets complete eight core components to graduate. Our program provides individualized instruction and covers five core academic subjects. Have questions? We have answers.
Attend an Informational Session
Be sure to attend an Orientation. Orientation will help you process your child’s application for ChalleNGe, as well as answer any questions you have. After the completed application is received and reviewed a member of our Admissions Team will contact you with your invitation to the Pre-Processing Day.