You must complete the entire application and send it to Admissions as soon as possible. You may submit a paper copy or apply on-line. Certain forms must be notarized. This can usually be done at your school, bank or credit union. There is an application checklist that provides a brief summary of the required documents as well any additional requirements you may have with certain forms, such as notarizing them. If you have questions, please contact admissions at 757-491-5932.
The Commonwealth ChalleNGe will require a copy of any and all court documentation on any charges, pending charges, and convictions you may have. The documentation must indicate if the charge or conviction is a felony or misdemeanor offense. If you have a pending felony charge or a felony conviction, you are not eligible to apply. There are no exceptions to this policy.
This is a case-by-case decision; all cadets will participate in academic growth. We recommend students aged 17 and under who plan to return to their home school to graduate participate in credit recovery. Students, on average earn 4 credits, but have the opportunity to earn more. Students must be at least 16 to participate in GED coursework and testing.
Yes, a withdrawal letter or transfer form from the school is required for admission to the ChalleNGe Youth Academy. You may bring this completed form with you on the day of in-processing. Your child may stay enrolled in his/her current school until they transfer to the ChalleNGe Academy, there is no need to dis-enroll prior to that. We recommend that you contact your child’s school at least a week prior to in-processing to verify any particular requirements the school may have in producing this letter or form for you. Failure to obtain this letter or form will result in your child not being processed for the class.
The Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy is strictly a voluntary program. Your child must have a desire to attend. You can encourage your child to give it a try, but we cannot forcefully keep your child here if they don’t want to stay. We are not a placement facility and attendance at the Academy cannot be court ordered or part of a probation contract.
A tour is not mandatory for acceptance into the Academy, but we recommend that you do try to attend one of our in-person orientations. You and your child are required to attend an orientation session, in-person or virtual. You may contact our admissions team to find out when the next orientation will be.
Encourage your child to start slow; don’t overdo exercise in the beginning. You will want to encourage your child to start with walking, gradually increasing their distance and speed, and then work up to a slow jog. Each week, students should try to go a little further or increase the exercise time. Candidates should also start stretching and doing sit-ups and push-ups every day. The important thing is to start slowly; don’t risk an injury by over exercising.
CCYA has a cafeteria style dining facility. The meals are nutritional and follow the School Lunch Program to provide fully balanced meals to students. We serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day in the dining facility. Milk and juices are offered with meals. In addition to the meals, snacks are provided twice a day.
Electronics are not allowed other than CCYA’s issued chrome books for academic work only. Silver Phase Cadets may earn MP3 privileges as a reward.
On the class start date, the parent/guardian will submit documentation and any prescribed medication to our medical staff. The medical staff will house all of the medications in a locked facility and will dispense them as prescribed. Parents / Guardians are responsible for all re-fills and cost. Please inquire about specific medical needs with an admissions staff. CCYA has a medical team on campus Monday – Saturday, 7 AM – 7 PM.
Yes; cadets are authorized two passes during the residential phase of the program. The passes are factored in to the required 147 days that the cadets must be physically at ChalleNGe to graduate. The dates of the passes will be provided to the parent/guardian on the first day of class in the parent handbook. The parent or guardian is required to provide transportation for cadet pick-up and return for the passes and to attend the pass meeting that is held at the time of pick up. Absences, other than for medical appointments are not allowed.
We have one scheduled “Family Day” where the family may come and visit. In addition, Cadets will receive two passes during the residential phase. Emergencies will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
There is fee or tuition cost; the State and Federal government provide staff salaries and all program operating costs. Please thank your local representatives! Tuition, room and board, books, meals, and uniforms are provided at NO COST to the family. Candidates are required to bring some personal items with them on the first day of class. You will receive a list of these required items upon acceptance.
You must be between the ages of 15 1/2 and 18 years old on the first day of class. As long as a student has not turned 19 by the start of the class, they are eligible.
The best way to support the academy is to write your local political figures (Congressperson, State Senator, or Delegate) and tell them you support what Commonwealth ChalleNGe is doing. You can also support our program by joining and staying involved with our Challenge Support Association.
Medical conditions are handled on a case-by-case basis. Part of your application process includes completing a physical and filling out a mental health survey. Depending on the Admission Review Committee evaluation of the documentation provided, we may ask for additional explanations and letters of endorsement from your private healthcare provider or therapist. If you are able to provide additional information in advance, it helps us to determine your medical eligibility for this program. If you have been diagnosed with a physical or mental condition, let your admissions counselor know in advance so they can advise you on what additional documentation may be required.