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Class 55 Virtual Orientation 10/29/2020 @6PM

Attending an orientation is a mandatory part of the application process. We are hosting virtual orientations due to COVID restrictions. The platform we are using is Microsoft TEAMS. You do not need to download the application unless you are using your smartphone then you will need to download the free APP. If joining from a... Read more »

Class 55 Virtual Orientation 11/5/2020 @6PM

Attending an orientation is a mandatory part of the application process. We are hosting virtual orientations due to COVID restrictions. The platform we are using is Microsoft TEAMS. You do not need to download the application unless you are using your smartphone then you will need to download the free APP. If joining from a... Read more »

Class 55 Virtual Orientation 11/12/2020 @6PM

Attending an orientation is a mandatory part of the application process. We are hosting virtual orientations due to COVID restrictions. The platform we are using is Microsoft TEAMS. You do not need to download the application unless you are using your smartphone then you will need to download the free APP. If joining from a... Read more »

Class 55 Virtual Orientation 11/19/2020 @6PM

Attending an orientation is a mandatory part of the application process. We are hosting virtual orientations due to COVID restrictions. The platform we are using is Microsoft TEAMS. You do not need to download the application unless you are using your smartphone then you will need to download the free APP. If joining from a... Read more »

Class 54 Pass Pickup

Commonwealth ChalleNGe Campus 253 C Street, Virginia Beach

Hello Class 54 Parent/Guardians, December 18th, 2020, Class 54 Pass Pickup is quickly approaching. We need all parents to be here at 0900AM on December 18th, 2020 to pick up your cadets. The process will be the same as drop off to minimize contact and ensure social distancing and safety for everyone. We will also... Read more »

Request Information

Spread the Word

Do you know of a teenager who is ready to change his or her life, but is finding it hard to do? A young person who is falling behind in high school, who is in danger of dropping out, or who has already called it quits? Well, Commonwealth Challenge is here to offer a FREE second chance to help turn that young life around! We are state and federally funded. There is NO CHARGE for tuition to attend Commonwealth Challenge Youth Academy.