Commonwealth ChalleNGe Cadets in the News!


Class 53 overcomes a virtual ChalleNGe, as Class 54 prepares for hybrid experience

National Guard Youth Foundation: Class 50 Motivational Video

Albemarle County Class 50 Cadet Graduates; Plans for College and Marine Corps 

South Boston, VA Cadet Captures Top Honor

Halifax County Cadet Rises to Top of his Class


Former U.S. Senator: We Must Support the National Guard Youth Challenge Program

The National Guard’s Five Part Documentary on The Challenge Program

Commonwealth Challenge featured on The Hampton Roads Show

Read more about program updates in our Newsletter, Challenge Courier Class 45, Issue 2

Read Past Editions of our Newsletter: Challenge Courier Class 45, Issue 1, Challenge Courier, Class 44, Issue 3, Challenge Courier Class 44, Issue 2, Challenge Courier, Class 44, Issue 1

The Choice The Challenge The Change Video

Youth Challenge Program Helps Teens Find Roads to Success

See a local news (WVEC) story on a recent ChalleNGe class!

Channel 13 News Small, Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy

See cadets from Class 41 on TV on “Let’s Talk, Live!”

Lets Talk Live, Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy

Commonwealth ChalleNGe Cadet goes on to graduate from Howard University

National Guard Youth Foundation Announces Spring Scholarship Recipients

DOWNLOAD our FREE Brochure!

Learn more about the national program* at the CBS Website.

Watch a CBS Documentary on Life After a California Challenge Program

*The Virginia Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy is one of 35 National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program sites nationwide.

We are located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, at the State Military Reservation.

School Dropout Crisis, Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy


Learn about the crisis of high school
dropouts in America
and how Commonwealth ChalleNGe can help!

See more videos and news stories and get the facts about positive youth development programs.